Può HandBrake convertire video M4V in MP4 o altri formati?
HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder. It can convert video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. It is free and open source and supports multi-platform (finestre, Mac and Linux). It has built-in device presets which is optimized for specific device, such as iPhone, iPad, Apple TV. […]
Elenco di macOS 10.12 Applicazioni multimediali compatibili con Sierra
Apple gave a new name to its twelfth operation system for its Mac range, macOS Sierra on June, 2016. It is still named after California locations, but no more Roman numerals as Mac OS X 10.12. The change of name is in order to fit with the name of iOS, watchOS and tvOS. The macOS […]
Di Lisa Lee • Blog • Tag: Freno a mano, macOS Sierra, VLC