Può HandBrake convertire video M4V in MP4 o altri formati?
HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder. It can convert video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. It is free and open source and supports multi-platform (finestre, Mac and Linux). It has built-in device presets which is optimized for specific device, such as iPhone, iPad, Apple TV. […]
TunesKit iTunes DRM Video Converter Review
The iTunes Store is a great place to get all your video entertainment. There are over 85,000 movies for buying or renting — including blockbusters, indies, and classics. Many of us have the experience of buying or renting videos from the iTunes Store, then open the Videos app and select movies, spettacoli televisivi, or videos […]
Di Lisa Lee • Blog • Tag: Converti M4V in MP4, Recensione del software di rimozione DRM, TunesKit