DRM (Digital Rights Management or Digital Restrictions Management adopted by many DRM opponents) are designed to prevent customers from using digital content and technology in ways that do not correspond to the business agenda of a content provider or device manufacturer. Such as watching legally bought movies on different devices, backing up movies in unauthorized devices or converting e-books into different formats.
Besides those inconvenience when we use the digital content we bought legally, we may suffer more severe loss especially for those user who bought the iTunes movies for collection purpose.
When standards and formats change, it may be difficult to transfer DRM-restricted content to new media. Suppose if one day Apple adopt new video standards and formats other than M4V format we get nowadays, we may meet difficulties to enjoy those movies through new media. Additionally, any system that requires contact with an authentication server is vulnerable to that server becoming unavailable, as happened in 2007 when videos purchased from Major League Baseball (mlb.com) prior to 2006 became unplayable due to a change to the servers that validate the licenses. Your movies or e-books may stop working alltogether if the vendor goes bankrupt, or no longer maintains a particular DRM system. Such disaster really happened even the venders are big brothers: In August 2006, Amazon stopped selling DRMed PDF and .LIT format ebooks. Customers were unable to download purchased ebooks 30 days after that date, losing access to their purchased content on new devices.
DRM also give the excessive control to the vendors, they may infringe the legal rights of the consumers. Amazon.com in July 2009 remotely deleted purchased copies of George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) from customers’ Amazon Kindles after providing them a refund for the purchased products. Richard Stallman has public statements: “DRM is an example of a malicious feature – a feature designed to hurt the user of the software, and therefore, it’s something for which there can never be toleration” .
Tools to bypass DRM
There are many tools to bypass DRM control on audio, video, and ebook content. We selected two tools for your operation.
DRM Media Converter for Mac
DRM Media Converter for Windows
You can also check the Ultimate list of Best DRM Removal to get a better understanding of the main player in DRM Removal field with detailed reviews.
Lisa Lee is a seasoned writer specializing in audio and video software reviews for 10 years. With extensive experience and a reputation for clear, unbiased analysis, she provides valuable insights to readers, aiding them in informed software choices. Lisa's professionalism and dedication enhance consumer understanding, enriching their digital lifestyle experiences.
Why We Need to Bypass DRM
DRM (Digital Rights Management or Digital Restrictions Management adopted by many DRM opponents) are designed to prevent customers from using digital content and technology in ways that do not correspond to the business agenda of a content provider or device manufacturer. Such as watching legally bought movies on different devices, backing up movies in unauthorized devices or converting e-books into different formats.
Besides those inconvenience when we use the digital content we bought legally, we may suffer more severe loss especially for those user who bought the iTunes movies for collection purpose.
When standards and formats change, it may be difficult to transfer DRM-restricted content to new media. Suppose if one day Apple adopt new video standards and formats other than M4V format we get nowadays, we may meet difficulties to enjoy those movies through new media. Additionally, any system that requires contact with an authentication server is vulnerable to that server becoming unavailable, as happened in 2007 when videos purchased from Major League Baseball (mlb.com) prior to 2006 became unplayable due to a change to the servers that validate the licenses. Your movies or e-books may stop working alltogether if the vendor goes bankrupt, or no longer maintains a particular DRM system. Such disaster really happened even the venders are big brothers: In August 2006, Amazon stopped selling DRMed PDF and .LIT format ebooks. Customers were unable to download purchased ebooks 30 days after that date, losing access to their purchased content on new devices.
DRM also give the excessive control to the vendors, they may infringe the legal rights of the consumers. Amazon.com in July 2009 remotely deleted purchased copies of George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) from customers’ Amazon Kindles after providing them a refund for the purchased products. Richard Stallman has public statements: “DRM is an example of a malicious feature – a feature designed to hurt the user of the software, and therefore, it’s something for which there can never be toleration” .
Tools to bypass DRM
There are many tools to bypass DRM control on audio, video, and ebook content. We selected two tools for your operation.
DRM Media Converter for Mac DRM Media Converter for WindowsYou can also check the Ultimate list of Best DRM Removal to get a better understanding of the main player in DRM Removal field with detailed reviews.
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Lisa Lee is a seasoned writer specializing in audio and video software reviews for 10 years. With extensive experience and a reputation for clear, unbiased analysis, she provides valuable insights to readers, aiding them in informed software choices. Lisa's professionalism and dedication enhance consumer understanding, enriching their digital lifestyle experiences.
By Lisa Lee • Blog • Tags: Bypass DRM, DRM Risks